To all our Customers, associates and friends,
After 35 plus years at our Dominguez facility since the CBP CES Program began. Price Transfer will be moving to a new facility operating in conjunction with our A-TCET /OET Operations in our expanded CES Wilmington Complex starting August 28th, 2020. The move will enhance our operational capabilities and through put being all in one compound and not spread out.
We appreciate all industry and client support over the years and making this necessary move possible, thank you very much..
We will have expanded cold rooms available for your refrigeration inspections and are now in the overweight corridor to handle your overweight container shipments.
We will begin operations on the 31st of August. For any vessels arriving the 28th and after, please use our firms code Y265 for all your examinations. W344 has been cancelled.
Yard location entrance Is 1240 E 230th Street Carson Ca. 90745, the same as currently used for A-TCET/OET.
Phone/Fax/Emails remain the same – Office Location 1130 E 230th Street Carson Ca 90745 for CBP Trade/Met Examinations.
CBP will put out the Public Bulletin within the next week and also we will provide updates as we go through these next 2 weeks.
Any questions please don’t hesitate to call us at 310-639-6074 ext. 3136 or 3132.
Rick Lorenzen
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Moving to a New Facility
August 24, 2020